Important: New URL

Important: I have changed the url of this blog to

Only a small percentage of the members of the zemi are doing work in the field of what I would consider to be “NIME” (= New Interfaces for Multimodal Expression).

Please note however, that the zemi is in fact in the “Technology” field of the Eizo Faculty.

In other words, members are expected to undertake challenging research related to image arts and sciences technology, with an emphasis on real-time, interactive, expressive multimodal interfaces.

My main area of interest remains NIME (= New Interfaces for Multimodal Expression). That is my major area of expertise and the area in which I am most interested in supervising projects. Work in this area requires knowledge of computer programming, or at least a strong will and effort to learn how to program. This is stated clearly in the official description of my seminar. For whatever reason, it seems that some students have the impression they can join this seminar without the ability or will to learn how to program. That is incorrect.

Thank you for your understanding.
